The Conundrums Regarding Mandatory Covid Vaccinations in South Africa
the Gentle Spearman of the Tattooed Warriors at the Ford of the River Craw
08 December 2021
There is an expression ”Oh My Hat” used for saying that you do not believe that something can possibly be true. These days a more appropriate expression of similar meaning would be “Oh My Mask” or “Oh My Jab”.
It can’t possibly be true that “The Jab” which these days mean only one thing, the Covid Vaccine, will become mandatory in South Africa, that the worlds new favourite drug is likely going to be forced into arms here as it is elsewhere in the world. Many news reports comment on the contentious discussions around vaccine mandates that the President faces today, yet we hear of no contentious details around the contentions in the press. It is simply not allowed.
Not that most would know it, but the mandatory part is not sitting too well with a large portion of the citizens of countries that are heading the mandatory route. This is the result of most of the media houses having a mandate to not mention anything and everything that might be unfavourable to the narrative that the vaccines are heaven-sent, pure and the Holy Grail of Covid solutions.
I note that our President was complaining about a few things recently regarding the “Oh My Gosh” variant named “Omicron” (which really should be called the “Onlyacon” variant) which came to light in South Africa. The world immediately locked us out or in, actually both.
Our President, other government Big-Wigs, the Professors in White Coats, Doctors, Business Leaders, the Tourism Chiefs and the all too compliant Media Sycophants immediately launched an “Oh My Hat” campaign of their own, all in perfect unison of a well scripted narrative, labelling the restrictive actions of other governments as a knee-jerk, unfair and discriminatory reaction. They all demanded that these countries that banned travel to and from South Africa to prevent the importation of said variant immediately reverse such unwarranted travel restrictions.
So here, the world perceives that we might have something, a variant, which they don’t want us to give them. So they isolate us and say we cannot move freely around the world. They say that we are a danger to them and therefore should be restricted to our neck of the woods. They don’t want us visiting their cities, eating at their restaurants, visiting family and we, the country as a whole do not like being discriminated against in this way and protest it, as we rightfully should.
And then in the next mask shrouded breath, our President, other government Big-Wigs, the Professors in White Coats, Doctors, Business Leaders, the Tourism Chiefs and the all too compliant Media Sycophants propose doing the very thing to the Vaccine Free peoples, yeah the Un-Vaccinated, of South Africa that they accuse the other governments of doing to South Africa in reaction to the Onlyacon Omicron variant.
Our President accused the world of PUNISHING us for the revelation of the Omicron Variant and then immediately he want to PUNISH the unvaccinated in South Africa for the same reason. He wants to exclude anyone without a vaccine passport to move freely around our cities, eat at restaurants and visit family.
The other thing our President has been complaining about is Vaccine Apartheid. Wealthy nations are well supplied with vaccines, some even starting their fourth booster shot (that is how effective this vaccine is, the fourth shot in only a year, but more about that later), whilst Africa has only received about 2% of the vaccines required, mostly being supplied to South Africa.
But scientists are puzzled by the fact that Covid has had a very low impact on most sub-Saharan African nations, especially in 2021. Perhaps it is because they are unvaccinated or maybe it is their use of the anti-parasitic medicine Ivermectin which won a Noble Prize in medicine for its efficacy against many parasites or the widespread use of anti-malarial drugs. These medicines have had their efficacy in fighting Covid 19 disputed by the profit-hungry vaccine crowd despite evidence that countries like Japan and some states in India, who have resorted to using them, have cut Covid cases down to near zero.
And now our President wants to introduce a vaccine mandate which will create another type of Vaccine Apartheid that will impact our society in similar negative ways that he fought so dearly against.
Well, let’s evaluate their stance going through the list in reverse order. The tourism sector wants to mandate the vaccine. So, having lost international tourists during the summer season for the second year in a row, they now want to shoot themselves in the head by restricting local South African tourists not vaccinated, which currently is around two-thirds of the adult tourist population. South African tourists whether vaccinated or not have saved the tourism industry from complete collapse, are now proposing locking down all local tourists if they are not in compliance with a mandate. One can expect to see numerous more closing of Guest Houses, Restaurants when the tourist trade trickles to a halt. The vaccinated may have a pass, but, since they can still get Covid many may be too ill to travel and go out dining.
Likewise, the Business sector including Labour are pushing hard for the Jab’s to be mandatory. Mandating the vaccine is going to increase the unemployment rate significantly, supply chains are going to be disrupted, small businesses will struggle to survive when mandated to close their doors to potential clients who have not complied. Inflation will likely go through the roof and the Rand slump to its worst levels ever as an already battered economy gets a beating by the very people who run it. One would have thought that this sector would be wise enough to have figured this out. Apparently not, as they are all for mandating something that will drastically harm this economy that is so fragile at the best of times.
What of public transport. Will the Taxi industry survive the wreckage of suddenly having two-thirds of their customers unable to travel anywhere? Imagine the chaos of new taxi wars as they all vie for the limited number of vaccinated customers. What of logistics? Everything moves by truck since the once functioning rail system collapsed. Like elsewhere in the world you can depend on independently minded truckers objecting to getting a Jab they simply don’t want. Firing them all will collapse the economy like nothing else can. Has the leadership of the transport industry in government thought through these scenarios?
What of the medical doctors and professors who by and large seem to be entirely Pro Covid Vaccines! They are all for mandating what they state as a safe and effective vaccine. But is it safe for everyone? Is it effective for everyone? Do they know if there are any long term side effects?
Vaccine injury reporting seems to be a secret thing in South Africa. Any reporting is not for public scrutiny, unlike the VAERS in the USA, the Yellow Card reporting in the UK or the EudraVigilance database of the EU. Thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries have been reported on these systems. But don’t take my word for it, simply head over to these systems online and see for yourself.
In the European EudraVigilance database, 29,934 deaths from the array of vaccines have been reported.
Consider this too. Pfizer, in response to a freedom of information request, asked a court in the USA for permission to keep all their records sent to and used by the FDA for the approval of their vaccine secret for 55 years. Why? The court ruled against them and stated they must release 500 documents a month in consecutive order.
Among the first 500 released on 5 November, 2021 was a document titled “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorisation Adverse Events Reports”. Let’s make it clear folks, this is not some document created by some conspiracy theorist, but a Pfizer document issued to the FDA as part of the official approval of their vaccine on 23 August 2021. You can read this document for yourself on this link –
It is a report on adverse events in the first 90 days of the use of the Pfizer vaccine. It discloses 1,223 deaths, 42 000 adverse reports describing a total of 153,893 in that period whilst keeping the total jabs in that period a trade secret.
Consider this dystopian fact. New Zealand wants everyone jabbed with a vaccine that has killed thousands whilst Covid has only resulted in 44 deaths in nearly 2 years in that country.
Here in South Africa, Doctors, Professors and even our political leaders have all said the vaccines are safe and have not admitted to any deaths or serious injuries caused by the Vaccines. Why are there so many deaths and injuries reported in the EU, UK and USA but none in SA? Surely this needs to be asked and answered? And how can anyone in any sort of good conscience mandate something that may, even in low numbers prove fatal or in larger numbers cause serious injury?
Currently, when you get the Jab, it is voluntary, it is the choice of the individual and you sign away any liability Who carries liability when it is forced upon you by a mandate. If a business says you must be vaccinated to continue being employed, do they become liable if you comply and are injured or die from their mandated shot? Is the government liable, the vaccine manufacturer?
Unfortunately, the liability of a mandated vaccination remains yours and yours alone. A tough choice indeed, if your company, school, university, sports team, local library or even a hospital, mandates you take a vaccine and you do get injured in any way and can no longer work, study or play, well they will not pay, not even your medical aid will assist you, your on your own for complying with the mandate.
So is the vaccine safe, well, maybe for most, but not some, in the short term. Well, what about long term safety, especially now that teens and even children are getting it. The fact is that all the doctors, professors, health ministers, presidents and the like cannot tell you that there are no long term safety or side effect issues. They can only tell you they think so or hope so. You will only know that after a long time, maybe after your fourth or tenth booster shot.
“What!” you may say about the tenth booster you may be required to take. Well, is this vaccine effective is a question that should be on everyone’s mind but hardly ever is. After all, the narrative is; question nothing and hope to dodge the bullet that might come your way. It’s a bit like a story that is made up as we go along. First, it was two for some vaccines and one shot of the others, then it was a three-shot for some and two for the other, now it’s a booster every 6 months. How long before it’s every 3 months?. The endless journey means if you miss your fourth jab, the other three will not count anymore and you will be considered un-vaccinated. Mandatory vaccines mean a lifetime of jabs until the mRNA is coming out of your ears.
Here’s the truth of the matter as I see it. Sure many see things differently and most will likely disagree with me venomously. Everywhere people have been longing for things to return to normal, the fear to dissipate. First, the vaccines and then vaccine mandates were touted as a way back to normality. If everybody just got the Jab things would go back to the way they were before the pandemic.
This is a false hope. Some of the most vaccinated places in the world are enduring lockdowns, some more severe than in 2020 when there were no vaccines. Gibraltar, which is 100% vaccinated has just had its worst Covid outbreak to date, likewise for Israel, Singapore and many of the most vaccinated states in the USA. One can start labelling it a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” but that is far from the truth.
Our President, Medical Professors and Doctors are adamant that the Vaccines are safe and effective, that, although they do not prevent you from getting a Covid 19 infection or also spreading it, that it will save you from severe illness, hospitalisation and death. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case in Britain, where even the mainstream press like the BBC and the UK governments own websites tell a completely different story.
We need to stop pretending that the vaccinated are completely safe from Covid 19, that the vaccines do no harm to people, that the vaccines will return the world to normality how it was before. Vaccine mandates are not working anywhere in the world and wherever they have been put in place, governments have had to resort to heavy-handed policing and martial law type tactics to quell increasing dissent much like the old Apartheid Regime did to our beloved country and its people.
Mr President, I hope you think long and hard, that you apply your considerable mind to the matter, that you dwell on the past for insight and try to see the future before crossing the Rubicon. Whatever course you take, the country is in your hands and history, if there is ever a future to record it, will hold you responsible.
God speed!